№ 2020/1
KOLOT Anatolij Mykhajlovych1, HERASYMENKO Oksana Oleksandrivna 2
1Kyiv Vadym Hetman National Economic University
2Department of Innovation and Investment Management, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Labor 4.0 concept: theoretical-applicable principles of formation and development
Economy and forecasting 2020; 1:5-28 | https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2020.01.005 |
The article presents a scientific and applied substantiation of the construct and argumentation of the components of the new mental model of labor and employment "Labor 4.0" as a social and labor reality of the beginning of the 21st century. Theoretical and practical provisions are revealed to explain the relationship between changes occurring in the surrounding realms (technologies, institutions, etc.) and the transformations of the sphere of labor and employment in their indivisible integrity.
The authors outlined new aspects of labor in social activities at the beginning of the 21st century. The authors' vision of a new format of the model of labor and employment is represented adequately to the conditions of the first half of the 21st century. The mega causes of the creation of a new platform of socio-economic and socio-labor development are detected. The authors present the external conditions of development and internal characteristics of the model "Labor 4.0". It is emphasized that in the author's theoretical construction "Labor 4.0" appears as a labor paradigm inherent in the new economy on the technological basis of "Industry 4.0" as well as a platform and institution for utilizing labor resources in the coordinates generated by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The features of the components of the new type of labor process, that is, objects of labor, means of labor, and the working person are revealed.
The authors substantiated the essence of the phenomenon of "Labor 4.0" through the prism and social and labor dimension of the aggregate worker of the new (digital) economy; globalization processes; forms and types of employment and related relationships; network based organization of work; content and trajectories of the development of labor processes; labor income, in particular, its level, differentiation, tendencies and dominants; and a new format of social and labor relations. The influence of demographic component of the global economy stagnation on social and labor development is revealed. The authors identify the challenges for the social-labor sphere, benefits and losses for the workers and the new asymmetries of social-labor development that give rise to the present and future formats of globalization.
The authors reveal the influence of the new technical and technological base "Industry 4.0" on the formation of social and labor platform "Labor 4.0". They formulated the trends in professional and qualification structure of labor in the new economy and opportunities for expanding the professional field of activity. The phenomenon of digital labor organization and the dramatic changes in the entire social structure of the new (digital) economy and post-industrial society is emphasized.
Keywords:new economy, new globalization, social and labor development, factors of social and labor development, model "Labor 4.0"
JEL: J00, J21
Article in English (pp. 5 - 28) | Download | Downloads :532 |
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