№ 2020/1
BUBLYK Yevhen Oleksandrovych 1
1State Institution “Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine“
The interaction of financial openness and economic growth
Economy and forecasting 2020; 1:124-138 | https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2020.01.124 |
JEL: E 58, F 31
Article in English (pp. 124 - 138) | Download | Downloads :378 |
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23. Furceri, D., Loungani, P. (2015). Capital Account Liberalization and Inequality. IMF Working Papers, 15/243. doi.org/10.5089/9781513531083.001
2. Grossman, G., Helpman, E. (2018). Growth, Trade, and Inequality. Econometrica, 86 (1),37-83. doi.org/10.3982/ECTA14518
3. Levine, R., Zervos, S. (1998). Stock Market Development and Long-Run Growth. The World Bank Economic Review, Policy Research Working Paper, 1582.
doi.org/10.1596/1813-9450-1582 4. Gourinchas, P.O., & Jeanne, O. (2006). The elusive gains from international financial integration. The Review of Economic Studies, 73(3), 715-741.
doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-937X.2006.00393.x 5. Rodrik, D. (1998). Who needs capital-account convertibility? Essays in International Finance, 55-65.
6. Stiglitz, J., Rashid, H. (2016). Closing Developing Countries' Capital Drain. Project Syndicat. Retrieved from www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/developing-countries-capital-outflows-by-joseph-e-stiglitz-and-hamid-rashid-2016-02?barrier=accesspaylog
7. Koziuk, V. (2017). Monetary regimes and macro-financial vulnerability in commodity economies. Svit finansiv – The world of finance, 1, 58-73 [in Ukrainian].
8. Korablin, S. (2017). Macroeconomic dynamics of Ukraine: the trap of commodity markets. Institute for economics and forecasting, NAS of Ukraine. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
9. Snizhko, O. (2009). Financial development of transformation economies. Structural and functional analysis. Kyiv: Kyjivsjkyj universytet [in Ukrainian].
10. Shapoval, J. (2017). Liberalization of the financial sector: experience and lessons learned from reforms. Internauka – Internauka, 1 (2), 139-147. doi.org/10.25313/2520-2057-2017-1-1937 [in Russian].
11. Vorobiov, Yu. (2001). Theoretical basis of financial capital of enterprises. Finansy Ukrainy – Finance of Ukraine, 7, 62-69 [in Ukrainian].
12. Private capital flows to developing countries: the road to financial integration - summary. A World Bank policy research report. Washington DC: World Bank Group. Retrieved from documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/286201468139770128/Private-capital-flows-to-developing-countries-the-road-to-financial-integration-summary
13. Kose, M., Prasad, E., Rogoff, K., Wei, S. (2006). Financial globalization: a reappraisal. IMF Working Paper, WP/06/189. doi.org/10.5089/9781451864496.001
14. Christiansen, H., Pigott, C. (1997) Long-term Interest Rates in Globalized Markets. OECD Working Paper Series. Retrieved from econpapers.repec.org/ paper/oececoaaa/175-en.htm
15. Agénor, P.R. (2001). Benefits and costs of international financial integration: theory and facts. Policy Research Working Paper, WPS 2699. Washington, DC: World Bank. doi.org/10.1596/1813-9450-2699 16. Lucas, R.E. (1990). Why doesn't capital flow from rich to poor countries? The American Economic Review, 80(2), 92-96.
17. Masahiro, K., Urate, S. (1996). Trade Imbalances and Japanese Foreign Direct Investment: Bilateral and Triangular Issues. Discussion Paper Series. Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo.
18. Alburo, F., Bautista, C. and Gochoco, M. (1992). Pacific Direct Investment Flows into ASEAN. ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 8: 3, 284-308. doi.org/10.1355/AE8-3C 19. Damooei, J. and Tavakoli, A. (2006). The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment and Imports on Economic Growth: A Comparative Analysis of Thailand and the Philippines (1970-1998).The Journal of Developing Areas, 39: 2, 79-100. doi.org/10.1353/jda. 2006.0002 20. Damgaard, J., Elkjaer, T., Johannesen, N. (2019). The Rise of Phantom Investments. Finance & Development, 56 (3). Retrieved from www.imf.org/ external/pubs/ft/fandd/2019/09/the-rise-of-phantom-FDI-in-tax-havens-damgaard.htm
21. Zymovets, V. (2010). State financial policy of economic development. Institute for economics and forecasting, NAS of Ukraine. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
22. Yaremenko, O., Pankratova, O. (2007). Institutions and economic freedom of economic entities. Ekon. teor. – Economic theory, 3, 56-71 [in Ukrainian].
23. Furceri, D., Loungani, P. (2015). Capital Account Liberalization and Inequality. IMF Working Papers, 15/243. doi.org/10.5089/9781513531083.001