№ 2020/2
Forecasting methods and models
KOIBICHUK Vitaliia Vasylivna1, BEZBAKH Tetiana Ivanivna2
1Sumy State University
2«Rabota Lab»
Investigation of the character and significance of the impact of labor market factors on the country's investment attractiveness
In recent years, there has been a significant structural impact of the so-called "digital" economy on the formation of FDI flows. The development of advanced technologies and robotics is accelerating. All this makes production more sophisticated, cheaper, and faster. The progressive labor market is a good basis for the successful development of enterprises in various industries. And investments make it possible for industries to be created, to develop, and to innovate. In addition, foreign direct investment is an important method of technology transfer that stimulates domestic public investment flows and fosters the development of human capital and institutions.
The purpose of the article is to develop an economic and mathematical model of the dependence of a country's investment attractiveness on labor market factors. The influence of labor market factors on the investment attractiveness of Ukraine is analyzed and thoroughly substantiated, as well as the state of Ukraine's modern labor market, whose characteristic features, possible tendencies, and prospects are determined. The factors of the labor market include value-added per worker, medium and high-tech exports as a percentage of total exports, the unemployment rate, and the gross enrollment rate for higher education. Investment attractiveness is determined by the volume of foreign direct investment.
When developing the model, the authors substantiate the comparability of the input data, their statistical significance, and the correlation of factor variables with foreign direct investment income.
The Irwin method was used to check for anomalies of values, and recommendations were made for eliminating such data if they were found. The normality of distribution was verified using the Shapiro-Wilk test. The construction of a multivariate linear regression model was performed using the Stata 14 statistical package.
Keywords:time series, labor market, unemployment, multifactorial regression model, economy, foreign investment
JEL: E 200, E 270, D 920
Article in English (pp. 59 - 71) | Download | Downloads :386 |
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