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№ 2020/3

International economics

PASHKEVICH Olga Alexandrovna1

1Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Researches in the AIC of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"

Employment of labor resources in Belarus agriculture: structural-dynamic parameters, forecast trends

Economy and forecasting 2020; 3:82-96https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2020.03.082


Employment of the working age population in various spheres of socially useful activity is an important area of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus and a priority area of state regulation. As one of the most important macroeconomic indicators, employment combines social and economic indicators of the economic situation of society. The article presents the results of a study of employment of labor resources trends in agricultural sector of Belarus, an assessment of its current and forecast of future structural parameters. Along with this, the factors that determine these changes have been identified. It is concluded that the solution to the problem of increasing the efficiency and growth of the competitiveness of agricultural production largely depends on the extent to which the agricultural sector is provided with highly qualified and professionally competent workers who are able to master and implement scientific, technological and organizational, and economic innovations in production processes. Conceptual directions of effective management of the employment of labor resources in agro-industrial complex have been developed, taking into account the identified factors (demographic, organizational, technological, and socio-economic ones), and the scope and range of their influence. Suggestions and recommendations can be used to substantiate a new strategy for rural development, which is based on program activities aimed at perspective development of agricultural economy, and strengthening the efficiency of the functioning of agricultural production.

Keywords:employment, labor resources, agriculture, labor motivation, staff turnover, technical and technological modernization, forecast

JEL: J21, J43

Article in English (pp. 82 - 96) DownloadDownloads :346