№ 2020/3
1Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Researches in the AIC of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
Employment of labor resources in Belarus agriculture: structural-dynamic parameters, forecast trends
Economy and forecasting 2020; 3:82-96 | https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2020.03.082 |
JEL: J21, J43
Article in English (pp. 82 - 96) | Download | Downloads :347 |
1. State Program for the Revival and Development of the Village for 2005–2010 (2005). Minsk: Belarus [in Russian].
2. State Program for Sustainable Development of the Village for 2011–2015. (2011). Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus. Retrieved from mshp.gov.by/prog/gosprog_ustrazvitsela2011_2015.pdf [in Russian].
3. State Program for the Development of Agricultural Business in the Republic of Belarus for 2016–2020. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated March 11, 2016, № 196. Registered in the National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus on March 23, 2016 No. 5/41842 (2017). ConsultantPlus, version 4000.00.07. LLC Yurspektr. Minsk [in Russian].
4. On the Development of the Village and Increasing the Efficiency of the Agricultural Sector Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 4, 2019 № 6 (2019). ConsultantPlus, version 4017.00.96. LLC Yurspektr. Minsk [in Russian].
5. Gusakov, V.G., Shpak, A.P. (2018). Agroindustrial Complex of Belarus in the Conditions of Transformational Economy. Belorusskiy Ekonomicheskiy Zhurnal – Belarusian Economic Journal, 4, 54-64 [in Russian].
6. Gusakov, V.G. (2020). Factors and Methods of the Effective Management. Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuk [in Russian].
7. Antonenko, M., Pashkevich, O., Levkina, V. (2015). Employment of Labour Resources in Agriculture: Trends, Problems, Solutions. Agrarnaya Ekonomika – Agrarian Economy, 3, 32-42 [in Russian].
8. Pashkevich, O.A. (2016). Demand for Labour Resources in Agriculture: Assessment, Forecast. Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov "Problemy Ekonomiki" – Collection of Scientific Papers "Problems of Economics", 2 (23), 206-218. Minsk: Insitute of System Researches in AIC of the NAS [in Russian].
9. Blyzniuk, V.V., Yuryk, Ya.I. (2019). Educational and Qualificational Disproportions of Ukraine's Regional Labour Market. Ekon. prognozuvannâ – Economy and forecasting, 2, 101-119. doi.org/10.15407/eip2019.02.101 [in Ukrainian].
10. Pashkevich, O.A. (2016). Agrarian Labour Market: Parameters of Formation and Development. Vesti natsional'noy akademii nauk Belarusi. Seriya agrarnykh nauk – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Agrarian Series, 4, 41-52 [in Russian].
11. Starovoitova, N.A. (2009). Formation and Distribution of Incomes of Agricultural Commodity Producers. Minsk: Institute of System Researches in Agro-industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus [in Russian].
12. Mikulich, A.V. (2011). The Mechanism of Labour Motivation in Agriculture in New Conditions: Theory, Methodology, Practice. Minsk: Institute of System Researches in Agro-industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus [in Russian].
13. Borisenko, A.O. (2015). Labour Motivation of Management Personnel in Agricultural Organizations: Theoretical and Practical Aspects. Minsk: Institute of System Research in Agro-industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus [in Russian].
14. Velikanov, V.V., Trapyanok, N.G., Dubezhinsky, E.V. (2019). Targeted Training in Agricultural Universities in the Context of Staffing of Agricultural Enterprises. Vestnik Belorusskoy Gosudarstvennoy Sel'skokhozyaystvennoy Akademii – Bulletin of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, 3, 161-165 [in Russian].
15. Dubezhinsky, E.V., Trapyanok, N.G., Wildflush, E.I. (2020). Agroclasses – a New Reality. Informatsionno-analiticheskiy Byulleten' of UO "BGSKHA" – Information and Analytical Bulletin of EE "BSAA", 1(90) [in Russian].
16. Dubezhinsky, E.V., Trapyanok, N.G., Wildflush, E.I. (2019).Targeted Training of Specialists for Agro-industrial Complex Organizations. Informatsionno-analiticheskiy Byulleten' of UO "BGSKHA" – Information and Analytical Bulletin of EE "BSAA", 3(87) [in Russian].
17. Trapyanok, N.G., Dubezhinsky, E.V., Wildflush, E.I. (2016). Social Expectations of Employers and Life Plans of Graduates. Informatsionno-analiticheskiy Byulleten' of UO "BGSKHA" – Information and Analytical Bulletin of EE "BSAA", 4(69) [in Russian].
18. Kolot, A.M., Herasymenko, O.A. (2020). Labour 4.0 Concept: Theoretical-applicable Principles of Formation and Development. Economy and forecasting, 1, 7-31. doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2020.01.005 [in Ukrainian].
19. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2019). Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Belarus 2019: statistical yearbook [in Russian].
20. Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus (2001). Labour Resources and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Belarus in 2000 [in Russian].
21. Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus (2006). Labour Resources and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Belarus in 2005 [in Russian].
22. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2011). Labour Resources and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Belarus in 2010 [in Russian].
23. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2016). Labour Resources and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Belarus in 2015 [in Russian].
24. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2019). Labour Resources and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Belarus in 2018 [in Russian].
25. Privalova, N.N. (2008). Influence of Current Demographic Trends on the Formation of Labour Potential in Belarus. Ekonomicheskiy Byulleten' Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo Ekonomicheskogo Instituta Ministerstva Ekonomiki Respubliki Belarus' – Economic Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 7, 52-59 [in Russian].
26. Eurostat database. Retrieved from: ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database [in English].
27. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2019). Agriculture of the Republic of Belarus [in Russian].
28. Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus (2007). Number, Composition and Professional Training of Personnel of the Republic of Belarus in 2006 [in Russian].
29. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2011). Number, Composition and Professional Training of Personnel of the Republic of Belarus in 2010 [in Russian].
30. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2019). Number, Composition and Professional Training of Personnel of the Republic of Belarus in 2018 [in Russian].
31. Pashkevich, O.A. (2015). Adaptation of Personnel to Technological and Social Changes: Aspects of the Problem. In Agrarian policy of modern Russia: scientific and methodological aspects and implementation strategy (p. 455-458). All-Russia A.A. Nikonov Institute of Agrarian Problems and Informatics, Entsiklopediya rossiyskikh dereven' – Encyclopedia of Russian Villages. Moscow: All-Russia A.A. Nikonov Institute of Agrarian Problems and Informatics [in Russian].
32. Pashkevich, O.A. (2017). The System of Additional Education as a Tool for Adapting Personnel to Innovative Processes. In Actual problems of the formation of human resources for the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex: proceedings of the 4th Intern. scientific-practical conf. (Minsk, October 5-6, 2017) (p. 79-84). Minsk: BSATU [in Russian].
33. Pashkevich, O.A. (2017). Monitoring of the Market of Additional Education Services for the Agricultural Sector: Methodological Foundations. In Actual problems of management in the agro-industrial complex: proceedings of the 3rd scientific-practical conference of the Management Department (р. 46-48). Gorki: Belarusian State Agricultural Academy [in Russian].
34. Pashkevich, O.A., Levkina, V.O. (2019). Problems and Directions of Improving the Remuneration Payment Order in Agricultural Organizations. Ekonomicheskiye Voprosy Razvitiya Sel'skogo Khozyaystva Belarusi: Mezhvedomstvennyy Tematicheskiy Sbornik – Economic Issues of Agricultural Development of Belarus: Cross-sectoral Subject Collection, 47, 236-246 [in Russian].
2. State Program for Sustainable Development of the Village for 2011–2015. (2011). Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus. Retrieved from mshp.gov.by/prog/gosprog_ustrazvitsela2011_2015.pdf [in Russian].
3. State Program for the Development of Agricultural Business in the Republic of Belarus for 2016–2020. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated March 11, 2016, № 196. Registered in the National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus on March 23, 2016 No. 5/41842 (2017). ConsultantPlus, version 4000.00.07. LLC Yurspektr. Minsk [in Russian].
4. On the Development of the Village and Increasing the Efficiency of the Agricultural Sector Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 4, 2019 № 6 (2019). ConsultantPlus, version 4017.00.96. LLC Yurspektr. Minsk [in Russian].
5. Gusakov, V.G., Shpak, A.P. (2018). Agroindustrial Complex of Belarus in the Conditions of Transformational Economy. Belorusskiy Ekonomicheskiy Zhurnal – Belarusian Economic Journal, 4, 54-64 [in Russian].
6. Gusakov, V.G. (2020). Factors and Methods of the Effective Management. Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuk [in Russian].
7. Antonenko, M., Pashkevich, O., Levkina, V. (2015). Employment of Labour Resources in Agriculture: Trends, Problems, Solutions. Agrarnaya Ekonomika – Agrarian Economy, 3, 32-42 [in Russian].
8. Pashkevich, O.A. (2016). Demand for Labour Resources in Agriculture: Assessment, Forecast. Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov "Problemy Ekonomiki" – Collection of Scientific Papers "Problems of Economics", 2 (23), 206-218. Minsk: Insitute of System Researches in AIC of the NAS [in Russian].
9. Blyzniuk, V.V., Yuryk, Ya.I. (2019). Educational and Qualificational Disproportions of Ukraine's Regional Labour Market. Ekon. prognozuvannâ – Economy and forecasting, 2, 101-119. doi.org/10.15407/eip2019.02.101 [in Ukrainian].
10. Pashkevich, O.A. (2016). Agrarian Labour Market: Parameters of Formation and Development. Vesti natsional'noy akademii nauk Belarusi. Seriya agrarnykh nauk – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Agrarian Series, 4, 41-52 [in Russian].
11. Starovoitova, N.A. (2009). Formation and Distribution of Incomes of Agricultural Commodity Producers. Minsk: Institute of System Researches in Agro-industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus [in Russian].
12. Mikulich, A.V. (2011). The Mechanism of Labour Motivation in Agriculture in New Conditions: Theory, Methodology, Practice. Minsk: Institute of System Researches in Agro-industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus [in Russian].
13. Borisenko, A.O. (2015). Labour Motivation of Management Personnel in Agricultural Organizations: Theoretical and Practical Aspects. Minsk: Institute of System Research in Agro-industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus [in Russian].
14. Velikanov, V.V., Trapyanok, N.G., Dubezhinsky, E.V. (2019). Targeted Training in Agricultural Universities in the Context of Staffing of Agricultural Enterprises. Vestnik Belorusskoy Gosudarstvennoy Sel'skokhozyaystvennoy Akademii – Bulletin of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, 3, 161-165 [in Russian].
15. Dubezhinsky, E.V., Trapyanok, N.G., Wildflush, E.I. (2020). Agroclasses – a New Reality. Informatsionno-analiticheskiy Byulleten' of UO "BGSKHA" – Information and Analytical Bulletin of EE "BSAA", 1(90) [in Russian].
16. Dubezhinsky, E.V., Trapyanok, N.G., Wildflush, E.I. (2019).Targeted Training of Specialists for Agro-industrial Complex Organizations. Informatsionno-analiticheskiy Byulleten' of UO "BGSKHA" – Information and Analytical Bulletin of EE "BSAA", 3(87) [in Russian].
17. Trapyanok, N.G., Dubezhinsky, E.V., Wildflush, E.I. (2016). Social Expectations of Employers and Life Plans of Graduates. Informatsionno-analiticheskiy Byulleten' of UO "BGSKHA" – Information and Analytical Bulletin of EE "BSAA", 4(69) [in Russian].
18. Kolot, A.M., Herasymenko, O.A. (2020). Labour 4.0 Concept: Theoretical-applicable Principles of Formation and Development. Economy and forecasting, 1, 7-31. doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2020.01.005 [in Ukrainian].
19. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2019). Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Belarus 2019: statistical yearbook [in Russian].
20. Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus (2001). Labour Resources and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Belarus in 2000 [in Russian].
21. Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus (2006). Labour Resources and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Belarus in 2005 [in Russian].
22. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2011). Labour Resources and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Belarus in 2010 [in Russian].
23. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2016). Labour Resources and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Belarus in 2015 [in Russian].
24. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2019). Labour Resources and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Belarus in 2018 [in Russian].
25. Privalova, N.N. (2008). Influence of Current Demographic Trends on the Formation of Labour Potential in Belarus. Ekonomicheskiy Byulleten' Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo Ekonomicheskogo Instituta Ministerstva Ekonomiki Respubliki Belarus' – Economic Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 7, 52-59 [in Russian].
26. Eurostat database. Retrieved from: ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database [in English].
27. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2019). Agriculture of the Republic of Belarus [in Russian].
28. Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus (2007). Number, Composition and Professional Training of Personnel of the Republic of Belarus in 2006 [in Russian].
29. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2011). Number, Composition and Professional Training of Personnel of the Republic of Belarus in 2010 [in Russian].
30. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2019). Number, Composition and Professional Training of Personnel of the Republic of Belarus in 2018 [in Russian].
31. Pashkevich, O.A. (2015). Adaptation of Personnel to Technological and Social Changes: Aspects of the Problem. In Agrarian policy of modern Russia: scientific and methodological aspects and implementation strategy (p. 455-458). All-Russia A.A. Nikonov Institute of Agrarian Problems and Informatics, Entsiklopediya rossiyskikh dereven' – Encyclopedia of Russian Villages. Moscow: All-Russia A.A. Nikonov Institute of Agrarian Problems and Informatics [in Russian].
32. Pashkevich, O.A. (2017). The System of Additional Education as a Tool for Adapting Personnel to Innovative Processes. In Actual problems of the formation of human resources for the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex: proceedings of the 4th Intern. scientific-practical conf. (Minsk, October 5-6, 2017) (p. 79-84). Minsk: BSATU [in Russian].
33. Pashkevich, O.A. (2017). Monitoring of the Market of Additional Education Services for the Agricultural Sector: Methodological Foundations. In Actual problems of management in the agro-industrial complex: proceedings of the 3rd scientific-practical conference of the Management Department (р. 46-48). Gorki: Belarusian State Agricultural Academy [in Russian].
34. Pashkevich, O.A., Levkina, V.O. (2019). Problems and Directions of Improving the Remuneration Payment Order in Agricultural Organizations. Ekonomicheskiye Voprosy Razvitiya Sel'skogo Khozyaystva Belarusi: Mezhvedomstvennyy Tematicheskiy Sbornik – Economic Issues of Agricultural Development of Belarus: Cross-sectoral Subject Collection, 47, 236-246 [in Russian].