№ 2020/4
International economicsNAMAZOV Vugar F. 1
1Finance and Financial Institutions department, Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC)
The main objective of the research is to examine key aspects of the structured trade financing instruments and to analyze prerequisites for its existence. Hereby, the main focus is concentrated around developing economies. The research was carried out based on research methods such as comparative analysis, empirical approaches and logical generalization. Also, for the research purposes the current market situation, infrastructure, opinions and recommendations of international organizations were analyzed, and an optimal model and market conditions were generated. As a result of research an importance of the derivative financial instruments, organization of spot markets and warehouse receipt systems were investigated. The main factor limiting the study is a variable statistical need and mathematical modeling based on the economic specifications of each economy, as each market will need more country-oriented research and solution rather than general model that suits all. The practical significance of the research is to ensure synergies between financial and commodity markets and to develop a sustainable risk management tool, as well as to enhance access to capital by introducing an alternative financial instrument and market environment for local producers, including small and medium size entrepreneurs.
Keywords:financial markets, financial instruments, commodity trading, derivatives, warehouse receipt
JEL: G10, G11, G20, Q02, O16
Article in English (pp. 116 - 129) | Download | Downloads :699 |
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