№ 2021/1
KUZNETSOVA Lidiia Illivna1, BILOTSERKIVETSʹ Oleksandr Hennadijovych2
1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
2Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
Economy and forecasting 2021; 1:102-115 | https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2021.01.102 |
JEL: E61
Article in English (pp. 102 - 115) | Download | Downloads :270 |
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2. Saritas, O. (2006). Systems Thinking for Foresight, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. PREST, University of Manchester.
3. Kvitka, S.A. (2016, August). Foresight as a technology for the design of the future: the latest mechanisms of interaction between government bodies, business and civil companies. Aspects of public administration, 8 (34), 5-15. doi.org/10.15421/151635 [in Ukrainian].
4. EC (2004, October). Foresight and Transition to Regional Knowledge-based Economies. Retrieved from ftp://ftp//cordis.lu/pub/foresight/docs/blueprint
5. Foresight on Information Society Technologies in the European Research Area. Retrieved from cordis.europa.eu/project/id/IST-2001-37627
6. European Actors: European level. Retrieved from cordis.europa.eu/foresight/actors-eur.htm
7. EU science HUB. Retrieved from ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/about/jrc-site/seville
8. European Commission (2009, November). European Foresight Monitoring Network - Mapping Foresight - Revealing how Europe and other words regions navigate into the future.
9. European Foresight Platform (EFP). Retrieved from www.foresight-platform.eu/
10. At the Heart of EU Research Policy. Retrieved from www.alliancembs.manchester.ac.uk/
11. Ukrainian STI 2025 Retrieved from www.foresight-platform.eu/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/EFMN-Brief-No.-74-Ukrainian-STI-2025.pdf
12. Regarding the implementation of the \"State Program of Scientific and Technical Development for 2008-2012\". Retrieved from dostup.pravda.com.ua/request/ 66735/response/ 163458/attach/2/UTF%208.PDF.pdf [in Ukrainian].
13. Zgurovsky, M.Z., Matorina, T.A., Prylutsky, D.O., Abroskin, D.A. (2008). Global modeling of sustainable development processes in the context of quality and safety of human life. Systemni doslidzhennia ta informatsijni tekhnolohii – Systemic research and information technologies, 4, 7-33. Retrieved from dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/14607 [in Ukrainian].
14. A foresight center for Ukraine. Retrieved from wdc.org.ua/uk/node/93443 [in Ukrainian].
15. Ukraine\'s human capital 2025. Retrieved from www.management.com.ua/hrm/hrm253.html [in Ukrainian].
16. A foresight of Ukraine\'s economy. Retrieved from ied.kpi.ua/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Foresight-2015.pdf [in Ukrainian].
17. A foresight of Ukraine - four scenarios of Ukraine\'s development. Retrieved from fes.kiev.ua/n/cms/fileadmin/upload2/180208_Foresight_ Ukraine_ukrainisch_online.pdf [in Ukrainian].
12. Foresight of COVID-19. Retrieved from wdc.org.ua/uk/covid19-exacer bation-during-adaptive-quarantine#Висновки [in Ukrainian].