№ 2021/2
ZYMOVETS Vladyslav Victorovych 1, YERSHOVA Galina Vitaliivna2
1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
2Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
Economy and forecasting 2021; 2:60-73 | https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2021.02.060 |
JEL: G32
Article in English (pp. 60 - 73) | Download | Downloads :294 |
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2. Bocharov, V., Leontiev, V. (2004). Corporate finance. Sankt-Petersburg [in Russian].
3. Hudz, O. (2007). Accounts receivable and accounts payable in the system of financial resources management of agricultural enterprises. Accounting and finance of agro-industrial complex, 1-2, 65-70[in Ukrainian].
4. Bodenchuk, L., Kulikova, S. (2020). Management and analysis of accounts payable in a pandemic. Scientific view: economics and management, 4(70), 30-35. doi.org/10.32836/2521-666X/2020-70-5 [in Ukrainian].
5. Nosach, L. (2005). Settlement relations and management of receivables and payables of enterprises. Bulletin of DonDUET, 3(27), 163-169 [in Ukrainian].
6. Vlasova, N., Nosach, L. (2008). Features of the formation of receivables and payables at wholesale and retail trade. Economic strategy and prospects for the development of trade, 1(7), 215-220 [in Ukrainian].
7. Kozachenko, L., Galkin, V., Metz, N. (2017). Accounts payable and ways to ensure the solvency of agricultural enterprises. Global and national economic problems, 20, 967-970 [in Ukrainian].
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17. Stupnytska, T., Markova, T., Bambulyak, I., Kulik, N. (2018). Accounts payable of the enterprise: assessment and management mechanisms. Economics of the food industry, 10: 4, 66 [in Ukrainian].
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19. National Regulation (Standard) of Accounting 11 "Liabilities" (2000, January 31). Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 20. Retrieved from zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0085-00#Text [in Ukrainian].
20. Zymovets, V. (Ed.). (2019). Finance of enterprises of the corporate sector of the economy of Ukraine. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
21. Bazilinskaya, O. (2011). Financial analysis: theory and practice. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
22. Methodical recommendations for filling in financial reporting forms (2013, March 28). Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 433. Retrieved from zakon.rada.gov.ua/rada/show/v0433201-13#Text [in Ukrainian].
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24. (National Bank of Ukraine). Estimation of the volume of foreign direct investment in which the ultimate controlling investor is a resident. Retrieved from bank.gov.ua/ua/statistic [in Ukrainian].
25. (National Bank of Ukraine). Foreign direct investment in Ukraine. Retrieved from bank.gov.ua/ua/statistic [in Ukrainian].
26. Garkavenko, V., Ershova, G. (2020). The impact of foreign capital on the economic development of Ukraine. Economics and forecasting, 1, 27-62. doi.org/10.15407/eip2020.01.047 [in Ukrainian].
27. Decision of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market dated 12.01.2016 № 17 "On approval of the Rules for determining the rating assessment by the authorized rating agency according to the National Rating Scale". Retrieved from: zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws / show / z0182-16 # Text [in Ukrainian].
2. Bocharov, V., Leontiev, V. (2004). Corporate finance. Sankt-Petersburg [in Russian].
3. Hudz, O. (2007). Accounts receivable and accounts payable in the system of financial resources management of agricultural enterprises. Accounting and finance of agro-industrial complex, 1-2, 65-70[in Ukrainian].
4. Bodenchuk, L., Kulikova, S. (2020). Management and analysis of accounts payable in a pandemic. Scientific view: economics and management, 4(70), 30-35. doi.org/10.32836/2521-666X/2020-70-5 [in Ukrainian].
5. Nosach, L. (2005). Settlement relations and management of receivables and payables of enterprises. Bulletin of DonDUET, 3(27), 163-169 [in Ukrainian].
6. Vlasova, N., Nosach, L. (2008). Features of the formation of receivables and payables at wholesale and retail trade. Economic strategy and prospects for the development of trade, 1(7), 215-220 [in Ukrainian].
7. Kozachenko, L., Galkin, V., Metz, N. (2017). Accounts payable and ways to ensure the solvency of agricultural enterprises. Global and national economic problems, 20, 967-970 [in Ukrainian].
8. Danilenko A., (2020). Strengthening the role of the state in financial risk management. Finance of Ukraine, 5, 7-28 [in Ukrainian].
9. Gevlich, I., Babiy, A. (2019). Economic content of debts to suppliers and contractors in the framework of management decisions. Economics and organization of management, 3(35), 30-38 [in Ukrainian].
10. Blank, I. (1998). Dictionary of financial manager. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
11. Finance of enterprises (2008). Kyiv: KNEU [in Ukrainian].
12. Partin, G., Zagorodniy, A.(2007). Management accounting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
13. Goncharuk, R. (2012). The essence and classification of accounts payable: the collision of scientific approaches. Bulletin of Zhytomyr State Technological University. Series: Economic Sciences, 1:59, 48-51 [in Ukrainian].
14. Tsal-Tsalko, Y. (2008). Financial analysis: textbook. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
15. Vlasova, N., Carrier, L. (2011). Management of receivables and payables of wholesale trade enterprises. Kharkiv [in Ukrainian].
16. Tyutyunnik, S., Tyutyunnik, Yu. (2014). System of indicators of complex assessment of current accounts payable. Poltava State Agrarian University. Retrieved fromdspace.pdaa.edu.ua:8080/bitstream/123456789/588/1/%D0%A2%D1% 8E%D1%82%D1%8E%D0%BD%D0%BD % D0% B8% D0% BA% 20% D0% A1.% D0% 92.% 2C% 20% D0% A2% D1% 8E% D1% 82% D1% 8E% D0% BD% D0% BD% D0 % B8% D0% BA% 20% D0% AE.% D0% 9C..pdf [in Ukrainian].
17. Stupnytska, T., Markova, T., Bambulyak, I., Kulik, N. (2018). Accounts payable of the enterprise: assessment and management mechanisms. Economics of the food industry, 10: 4, 66 [in Ukrainian].
18. Law of Ukraine "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine". Retrieved fromzakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/996-14#Text [in Ukrainian].
19. National Regulation (Standard) of Accounting 11 "Liabilities" (2000, January 31). Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 20. Retrieved from zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0085-00#Text [in Ukrainian].
20. Zymovets, V. (Ed.). (2019). Finance of enterprises of the corporate sector of the economy of Ukraine. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
21. Bazilinskaya, O. (2011). Financial analysis: theory and practice. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
22. Methodical recommendations for filling in financial reporting forms (2013, March 28). Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 433. Retrieved from zakon.rada.gov.ua/rada/show/v0433201-13#Text [in Ukrainian].
23. (National Bank of Ukraine). Direct investment from Ukraine: balances by type of economic activity. Retrieved from bank.gov.ua/en/statistic/sector-external/data-sector-external#5 [in Ukrainian].
24. (National Bank of Ukraine). Estimation of the volume of foreign direct investment in which the ultimate controlling investor is a resident. Retrieved from bank.gov.ua/ua/statistic [in Ukrainian].
25. (National Bank of Ukraine). Foreign direct investment in Ukraine. Retrieved from bank.gov.ua/ua/statistic [in Ukrainian].
26. Garkavenko, V., Ershova, G. (2020). The impact of foreign capital on the economic development of Ukraine. Economics and forecasting, 1, 27-62. doi.org/10.15407/eip2020.01.047 [in Ukrainian].
27. Decision of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market dated 12.01.2016 № 17 "On approval of the Rules for determining the rating assessment by the authorized rating agency according to the National Rating Scale". Retrieved from: zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws / show / z0182-16 # Text [in Ukrainian].