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2020 № 2

Economy and forecasting 2020; 2

Forecasting methods and models

STEPANOVA Olena Victorivna

COVID-19 pandemic and fiscal sustainability

Economy and forecasting 2020; 2:5-15https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2020.02.005
English (pp. 5 - 15) DownloadDownloads :502

BRYZHAN Iryna Anatoliivna, CHEVHANOVA Vira Yakivna, HRYHORYEVA Оlesya Volodymyrivna, SVYSTUN Lyudmyla Anatoliivna

Approaches to forecasting demography trends in the management of integrated area development

Economy and forecasting 2020; 2:16-31https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2020.02.016
English (pp. 16 - 31) DownloadDownloads :389

VASIURENKO Oleg Volodymyrovych, LYASHENKO Viacheslav Viktorovych

Wavelet coherence as a tool for retrospective analysis of bank activities

Economy and forecasting 2020; 2:32-44https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2020.02.032
English (pp. 32 - 44) DownloadDownloads :416

YASTREMSKY Oleksandr Ivanovych, KULYK Volodymyr Vasyl'ovych

Volatility of the structure of intersectoral relations of Ukraine\'s economy

Economy and forecasting 2020; 2:45-58https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2020.02.045
English (pp. 45 - 58) DownloadDownloads :372

KOIBICHUK Vitaliia Vasylivna, BEZBAKH Tetiana Ivanivna

Investigation of the character and significance of the impact of labor market factors on the country's investment attractiveness

Economy and forecasting 2020; 2:59-71https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2020.02.059
English (pp. 59 - 71) DownloadDownloads :391

Economy under the conditions of modern transformations

NAZUKOVA Nataliia Mykolaiivna

Public funding of education as a factor of economic growth

Economy and forecasting 2020; 2:72-90https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2020.02.072
English (pp. 72 - 90) DownloadDownloads :497

SHELUDʹKO Nataliya Mykhajlivna, SHYSHKOV Stanislav Yevhenijovych

Institutions of collective investment in Ukraine: scale and consequences of investment dysfunction

Economy and forecasting 2020; 2:91-104https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2020.02.091
English (pp. 91 - 104) DownloadDownloads :629

Market: forecast and conjuncture

SALIKHOVA Olena Borysivna, HONCHARENKO Daria Olehivna

Policy of endogenous development of pharmaceuticals in China: lessons for Ukraine

Economy and forecasting 2020; 2:105-119https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2020.02.105
English (pp. 105 - 119) DownloadDownloads :632

Our celebrants

The Hero of the Day and his anniversaries (to the 75th birthday of Valeriy Mykhailovych Heyets)

Economy and forecasting 2020; 2:120-121
English (pp. 120 - 121) DownloadDownloads :270