№ 2021/1
VENGER Vitalij Vasyl'ovych1, SHUMSKA Svitlana Stepanivna2
1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
2Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
Economy and forecasting 2021; 1:5-24 | https://doi.org/10.15407/econforecast2021.01.005 |
JEL: E37, F10, F43, L61
Article in English (pp. 5 - 24) | Download | Downloads :300 |
1. Korablin, S.O. (2017) Macroeconomic dynamics of Ukraine: the trap of commodity markets. Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine. Кyiv [in Ukrainian].
2. Korablin, S.O. (2016). Leading growth model: economic factors and consequences for Ukraine. Ekon. prognozuvannâ – Economy and forecasting, 2, 74-85. doi.org/10.15407/eip2016.02.071 [in Ukrainian].
3. Venger, V.V. (2020). Growth factors and directions of state regulation of metallurgical industry of Ukraine. Thesis for a Doctor of Economics, Economics and Management of National Economy. Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
4. Aptekar, S.S., Amosha, A.I. (Eds.). (2005). Economic problems of ferrous metallurgy of Ukraine. DonGUET. Donetsk [in Russian].
5. Bol'shakov, V.I., Tubol'tsev, L.H. (2014). Ferrous metallurgy and national security of Ukraine. Visnyk NAN Ukrayiny– Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 9, 48-58 [in Ukrainian].
6. Amosha, O.I., Nikiforova, V.A. (2019). Development of the metallurgical smart industry: world experience and lessons for Ukraine. Ekonomika Ukrayiny – Ukraine economy, 9-10, 3-23. doi.org/10.15407/economyukr.2019.09.003 [in Ukrainian].
7. Burkyns'kyy, B.V., Venher, V.V., Osypov, V.M. (2018). National market of metal products: fuidelines of the formation of competitive development policy. Ekonomichni innovatsiyi: zb. nauk. pr. Instytutu problem rynku ta ekonomiko-ekonomichnykh doslidzhen' – Economic innovations: collection of scientific works of the Institute of Market Problems and Economic Research, 67, 8-21. doi.org/10.31520/ei.2018.20.2(67).8-21 [in Ukrainian].
8. Kasych, A.O. (2016). Modernization as a strategic task of Ukraine’s industrial development. Biznes-Inform – Business Inform, 7, 67-72 [in Ukrainian].
9. Makoghon, Ju.V. (2019). Ukraine’s domestic metallurgy market and concentration of the industry’s enterprises. Visnyk ekonomichnoji nauky Ukrajiny – Bulletin of Ukraine's economic science, 1, 68-75 [in Ukrainian].
10. Venger, V.V., Tochylin, V.O. (2013). Competition and competitors in regional ferrous metal markets. Ekon. prognozuvannâ – Economy and forecasting, 1, 81-96 [in Ukrainian].
11. Pustovoyt, O.V. (2016). Ukraine’s economy: chaotic and cyclical fluctuations around the long-term growth trend. Ekon. prognozuvannâ – Economy and forecasting, 2, 86-107. doi.org/10.15407/eip2016.02.083 [in Ukrainian].
12. Development of the ferrous metallurgy sector in Ukraine (2004). World bank. Kyiv: «Milenium» [in Ukrainian].
13. On the results of analysis of the implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On conducting an economic experiment at the enterprises of Ukraine’s mining and metallurgical complex. The Accounting Chamber of Ukraine. URL: old.ac-rada.gov.ua/control/main/uk/publish/article/164527?cat_id=38966 [in Ukrainian].
14. Heyets', V.M. (2000). Instability and economic growth. Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
15. Korablin, S. (1998). A small dose of "devaluation" taken by the hryvnia may save the sick economy. Biznes – Business, 14 [in Russian].
16. Korablin, S. (2010, 22 October). Course dulls of raw economies. Dzerkalo tyzhnia. Ukraina – The mirror of the week. Ukraine. URL: zn.ua/ukr/finances/kursovi_tupiki_sirovinnih_ekonomik.htm [in Ukrainian].
17. How Ukraine lost its gas production and how it plans to increase it. URL: businessviews.com.ua [in Russian].
18. Whether the price for gas should be market based. Analytical note. (2015). Center for Economic Strategy. URL: ces.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/ces_paper_gas_prices_ukr.pdf [in Ukrainian].
19. The war in Donbass: realities and prospects for settlement. Razumkov Centre. URL: razumkov.org.ua/uploads/article/2019_Donbas.pdf [in Ukrainian].
20. The real price for coal during the war in Donbass: a look through the prism of human rights (2017). Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo TOV "ART KNYHA" [in Ukrainian].
21. Shums'ka, S.S., Bilotserkivets', O.H. (2013). Real effective exchange rate of the hryvnia: assessment of competitive advantages of Ukrainian goods and forecast for 2013-2014. Ekon. prognozuvannâ – Economy and forecasting, 2, 20-31. URL:eip.org.ua/dotss/EP_13_2_20.pdf [in Ukrainian].
22. Shums'ka, S.S. (2013). Empirical assessment of the impact of changes in the partial REER of the hryvnia on export and import flows in terms of foreign trade. Problemy ekonomiky – Problems of Economics, 1, 291-303. URL:www.problecon.com/annotated-catalogue/?year=2013&abstract=2013_01_0 [in Ukrainian].
23. How has the price of Russian gas for Ukraine changed over the past 24 years? (2016). Slovo i Dilo – Word and Business. URL: www.slovoidilo.ua/2016/02/12/infografika/ekonomika/yak-zminyuvalasya-czina-rosijskoho-hazu-dlya-ukrayiny-protyahom-24-rokiv [in Ukrainian].
2. Korablin, S.O. (2016). Leading growth model: economic factors and consequences for Ukraine. Ekon. prognozuvannâ – Economy and forecasting, 2, 74-85. doi.org/10.15407/eip2016.02.071 [in Ukrainian].
3. Venger, V.V. (2020). Growth factors and directions of state regulation of metallurgical industry of Ukraine. Thesis for a Doctor of Economics, Economics and Management of National Economy. Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
4. Aptekar, S.S., Amosha, A.I. (Eds.). (2005). Economic problems of ferrous metallurgy of Ukraine. DonGUET. Donetsk [in Russian].
5. Bol'shakov, V.I., Tubol'tsev, L.H. (2014). Ferrous metallurgy and national security of Ukraine. Visnyk NAN Ukrayiny– Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 9, 48-58 [in Ukrainian].
6. Amosha, O.I., Nikiforova, V.A. (2019). Development of the metallurgical smart industry: world experience and lessons for Ukraine. Ekonomika Ukrayiny – Ukraine economy, 9-10, 3-23. doi.org/10.15407/economyukr.2019.09.003 [in Ukrainian].
7. Burkyns'kyy, B.V., Venher, V.V., Osypov, V.M. (2018). National market of metal products: fuidelines of the formation of competitive development policy. Ekonomichni innovatsiyi: zb. nauk. pr. Instytutu problem rynku ta ekonomiko-ekonomichnykh doslidzhen' – Economic innovations: collection of scientific works of the Institute of Market Problems and Economic Research, 67, 8-21. doi.org/10.31520/ei.2018.20.2(67).8-21 [in Ukrainian].
8. Kasych, A.O. (2016). Modernization as a strategic task of Ukraine’s industrial development. Biznes-Inform – Business Inform, 7, 67-72 [in Ukrainian].
9. Makoghon, Ju.V. (2019). Ukraine’s domestic metallurgy market and concentration of the industry’s enterprises. Visnyk ekonomichnoji nauky Ukrajiny – Bulletin of Ukraine's economic science, 1, 68-75 [in Ukrainian].
10. Venger, V.V., Tochylin, V.O. (2013). Competition and competitors in regional ferrous metal markets. Ekon. prognozuvannâ – Economy and forecasting, 1, 81-96 [in Ukrainian].
11. Pustovoyt, O.V. (2016). Ukraine’s economy: chaotic and cyclical fluctuations around the long-term growth trend. Ekon. prognozuvannâ – Economy and forecasting, 2, 86-107. doi.org/10.15407/eip2016.02.083 [in Ukrainian].
12. Development of the ferrous metallurgy sector in Ukraine (2004). World bank. Kyiv: «Milenium» [in Ukrainian].
13. On the results of analysis of the implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On conducting an economic experiment at the enterprises of Ukraine’s mining and metallurgical complex. The Accounting Chamber of Ukraine. URL: old.ac-rada.gov.ua/control/main/uk/publish/article/164527?cat_id=38966 [in Ukrainian].
14. Heyets', V.M. (2000). Instability and economic growth. Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
15. Korablin, S. (1998). A small dose of "devaluation" taken by the hryvnia may save the sick economy. Biznes – Business, 14 [in Russian].
16. Korablin, S. (2010, 22 October). Course dulls of raw economies. Dzerkalo tyzhnia. Ukraina – The mirror of the week. Ukraine. URL: zn.ua/ukr/finances/kursovi_tupiki_sirovinnih_ekonomik.htm [in Ukrainian].
17. How Ukraine lost its gas production and how it plans to increase it. URL: businessviews.com.ua [in Russian].
18. Whether the price for gas should be market based. Analytical note. (2015). Center for Economic Strategy. URL: ces.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/ces_paper_gas_prices_ukr.pdf [in Ukrainian].
19. The war in Donbass: realities and prospects for settlement. Razumkov Centre. URL: razumkov.org.ua/uploads/article/2019_Donbas.pdf [in Ukrainian].
20. The real price for coal during the war in Donbass: a look through the prism of human rights (2017). Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo TOV "ART KNYHA" [in Ukrainian].
21. Shums'ka, S.S., Bilotserkivets', O.H. (2013). Real effective exchange rate of the hryvnia: assessment of competitive advantages of Ukrainian goods and forecast for 2013-2014. Ekon. prognozuvannâ – Economy and forecasting, 2, 20-31. URL:eip.org.ua/dotss/EP_13_2_20.pdf [in Ukrainian].
22. Shums'ka, S.S. (2013). Empirical assessment of the impact of changes in the partial REER of the hryvnia on export and import flows in terms of foreign trade. Problemy ekonomiky – Problems of Economics, 1, 291-303. URL:www.problecon.com/annotated-catalogue/?year=2013&abstract=2013_01_0 [in Ukrainian].
23. How has the price of Russian gas for Ukraine changed over the past 24 years? (2016). Slovo i Dilo – Word and Business. URL: www.slovoidilo.ua/2016/02/12/infografika/ekonomika/yak-zminyuvalasya-czina-rosijskoho-hazu-dlya-ukrayiny-protyahom-24-rokiv [in Ukrainian].